
Welcome 6th graders! I'm Mrs. Talaia and I will be your math and science teacher for the 2016-2017 school year. This year we will be solving real life problems using math and science together. Get ready for learning that is fun, relevant and interesting.



Thursday, September 29, 2016

Dear Families,

I want to give a shout out to Donovan Johnson’s mom Ms.Abbey. Yesterday she brought cold, bottled, water in for students to enjoy during the unexpected water problem. We all appreciate her going above and beyond to help keep everyone safe.
Thank you!!!!

Last week we Mr. Kennedy, retired director of the Kennedy Space Center, came to visit 6th grade. He gave an amazing presentation filled with incredible pictures from space. His presentation was about space exploration, but it was also about being your best. Our class is focusing on one of Mr. Kennedy’s life lessons… “Go the Extra Mile.” The message reminds us that we should do more for others by giving that little bit extra of ourselves. His message goes along with our morning meetings discussions. The class focuses on ways we can help each other out, problem solve in  positive ways and creating a positive classroom environment. Mr. Kennedy’s presentation compliments what we are working on in the classroom.

Don’t forget!
October 6th is Picture Day
November 21st is our field trip to the Kennedy Space Center!

Science Fair Dates Adjustment:
Oct 5   .......................   Materials list and procedure written in the Science Fair Log
Sept-Nov ....................  Conduct Experiment, dated log entries, numerous trials, variables, controls
                                      identified. Written in Science Fair Log
Nov 18 .......................   Science Fair Project and Log are DUE in Class
Jan 25 .........................   Science Fair Set-Up
Jan 26 .........................   Science Fair Judging

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