
Welcome 6th graders! I'm Mrs. Talaia and I will be your math and science teacher for the 2016-2017 school year. This year we will be solving real life problems using math and science together. Get ready for learning that is fun, relevant and interesting.



6th Grade Science


The first due date for the science fair is quickly approaching.
Sept 9th .......................    Science Fair Question written in the Science Fair Log 
Sept 20 .......................   Research notes and bibliography written in the Science Fair Log
Sept 22 .......................   Hypothesis written in the Science Fair Log
Sept 29 .......................   Materials list and procedure written in the Science Fair Log
Sept-Nov ....................  Conduct Experiment, dated log entries, numerous trials, variables, controls
                                      identified. Written in Science Fair Log
Nov 18 .......................   Science Fair Project and Log are DUE in Class
Jan 25 .........................   Science Fair Set-Up
Jan 26 .........................   Science Fair Judging
If you are stuck for an idea here is a link that may help you.

Science Fair
Kid Science
Science Fair Projects
Science Education

This year students will start the year learning the scientific process through experiments and hands on activities. With a strong understanding of the scientific method students will be better prepared to choose their science fair project ideas. 

The Scientific Process!

Scientific Method Rap

The Engineering Process!

Engineering Process Video 

The Water Cycle! Check out this video to learn
more about our Earth's water cycle.

NASA Water Cycle 

The Water Cycle NSF

Click the links below for more cool science.

 Mass Vs Weight

Eureka: Program 7: Weight Vs Mass

How to use a triple balance beam- Interactive

Soccer in Motion
Four Fundamental Forces 
Roller Coaster: Potential Energy Vs Kinetic Energy 

Powers of 10 from the Milkyway to Oak tree leaf 
Powers of 10 Inside the Human Body!