
Welcome 6th graders! I'm Mrs. Talaia and I will be your math and science teacher for the 2016-2017 school year. This year we will be solving real life problems using math and science together. Get ready for learning that is fun, relevant and interesting.



Friday, February 3, 2017

Happy New Year!

It is hard to believe that the first half of the school year is behind us an we are well into our 3rd quarter.  The Science Fair was a big success. Congratulations to Unnathi Prakash and Taylor Bowen for their first and third place wins. The students really had some amazing projects that displayed their understanding of the scientific process.

Looking ahead…

Fun Run is upon us and it is very important that each student registers. We will have the pep rally on February 6th to get the kids excited for this important school fundraiser. The actual Fun Run will be on February 15th. Please go to funrun.com to register your child.

Mr. Kennedy from the Kennedy Space Center will be doing a post field trip visit on February 10th . He gives an amazing presentation and we are all looking forward to getting to meet with him again.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Global Cardboard Challenge will be on Friday October 21st! 
Same times as before, see earlier post.
(Postponed because of Hurricane Matthew)

The class is very excited about turning their ideas into reality. Parents are welcome to help as long as they are certified
 A Volunteers.
We still need cardboard and tape- masking, duct, packing.
Thank you!!!!!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

  • October 4th Mr. Herb Yamada is giving a STEM presentation to the entire 6th grade.
  • October 6th Picture Day
  • October 7th Great Cardboard Challenge - Volunteers needed! Cardboard boxes needed!
Who: Mrs. Gagliano and Mrs. Talaia’s classes
What: The Global Cardboard Challenge- Students will be turning cardboard boxes into amazing arcade style games.
Where: Room 206 & 207
When: October 7th
            8:20-9:15, 10:10-12:10
Lots of Cardboard Boxes
Lots of tape duct tape, packing tape etc.
VOLUNTEERS!!!! 8:20-9:15, 10:10-11:30 or 12:00
We need your help all volunteers must have level A or A+ clearance.
Dear Families,
Our team is hosting a very exciting event on Friday, October 7th.
The Global Cardboard Challenge
Inspired by the short film, ‘Caine’s Arcade,’ the Global Cardboard Challenge is an annual event presented by the Imagination Foundation that celebrates child creativity and the role communities can play in fostering it.
Go to…
for more information on Caine’s Arcade.
In class next week students will be going through the engineering design process and will be designing their very own arcade games.  On Friday students will turn their ideas into actual games.
Students are studying Newton’s Laws of motion, forces, gravity, potential energy and kinetic energy. While working on their games students will be incorporating what they have learned about forces and motion into their games.  
The Global Challenge will be an awesome event that allows your child to take an idea and turn it into reality!

Thank you for your help!
Ms. Gagliano & Mrs. Talaia

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Dear Families,

I want to give a shout out to Donovan Johnson’s mom Ms.Abbey. Yesterday she brought cold, bottled, water in for students to enjoy during the unexpected water problem. We all appreciate her going above and beyond to help keep everyone safe.
Thank you!!!!

Last week we Mr. Kennedy, retired director of the Kennedy Space Center, came to visit 6th grade. He gave an amazing presentation filled with incredible pictures from space. His presentation was about space exploration, but it was also about being your best. Our class is focusing on one of Mr. Kennedy’s life lessons… “Go the Extra Mile.” The message reminds us that we should do more for others by giving that little bit extra of ourselves. His message goes along with our morning meetings discussions. The class focuses on ways we can help each other out, problem solve in  positive ways and creating a positive classroom environment. Mr. Kennedy’s presentation compliments what we are working on in the classroom.

Don’t forget!
October 6th is Picture Day
November 21st is our field trip to the Kennedy Space Center!

Science Fair Dates Adjustment:
Oct 5   .......................   Materials list and procedure written in the Science Fair Log
Sept-Nov ....................  Conduct Experiment, dated log entries, numerous trials, variables, controls
                                      identified. Written in Science Fair Log
Nov 18 .......................   Science Fair Project and Log are DUE in Class
Jan 25 .........................   Science Fair Set-Up
Jan 26 .........................   Science Fair Judging

Monday, September 5, 2016

Happy September!
The first month of school is already behind us and we are approaching the end of the interim on September 9th.
Each morning our class gathers together for a morning meeting. We are working on positive interactions in the classroom and creating classroom norms. An example of a classroom norm, "We will talk nicely to one another." Creating a caring and safe environment is an important way to begin our school year.
This week students will be finishing up the first chapter in the math text book, with the focus being on Whole Number Operations, Exponents, Order of Operations, Prime Factorization, Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple. Students will take a quiz on Prime Factorization, Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple on Thursday and a chapter test next week on Tuesday.

The first due date for the science fair is quickly approaching.
Sept 9th .......................    Science Fair Question written in the Science Fair Log 
Sept 20 .......................   Research notes and bibliography written in the Science Fair Log
Sept 22 .......................   Hypothesis written in the Science Fair Log
Sept 29 .......................   Materials list and procedure written in the Science Fair Log
Sept-Nov ....................  Conduct Experiment, dated log entries, numerous trials, variables, controls
                                      identified. Written in Science Fair Log
Nov 18 .......................   Science Fair Project and Log are DUE in Class
Jan 25 .........................   Science Fair Set-Up
Jan 26 .........................   Science Fair Judging
If you are stuck for an idea here is a link that may help you.

Science Fair Ideas
Science Kids
Science Fair
Science Education